Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shoe saga

I don’t know but I find my shoes create more fuss than me. And now I recollect all the flutters related to my sandals ......Back home in my sisters wedding, I was all dressed up, with shiny Cinderella shoes. I left home with my cousin on his bike. We were heading a function; I had rested my one foot on exhaust pipe…by the time we reached the marriage hall, only one foot had the shoe and another shoe was melted.
That was about couple of years ago, something nice was happening in my life. I used to go to temple those days. One pair of white sandals, which I loved, with turquoise stone over it…Was flicked from that temple. Finally, I had prayed, “God! Let the thief enjoys my favorite sandals.”
During my car smash when dealing with reckless auto driver-police, my stiletto broke off, to add the drama into action.
It was an important meeting at office. As I arrived early at 7AM, soon after I sat at my desk…’thak’…Another endearing pair of shoes betrayed me, I pleaded my male colleague to get me something to wear for the entire day. However, first, I asked all the girls to land me their footwear and they refused considering my shoe-size.
This guy brought me green color bathroom slippers with big flowers on it … Anyways, I was deeply grateful for that even.
Yesterday me and my Friend went shopping, I was still talking about this fine-looking expensive footgear, with delicate white strings….
So engrossed in the talk, unknowing, I kicked (not stepped) on the edge of the pothole …’Khatak… Aah’ There it goes one more pair… L whole of the evening I dragged myself with broken footwear. And I am looking forward to get my “fine-looking expensive footgear, with delicate white strings” repaired. :-)

Close up:
"You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same."
~ Unknown


  1. Keep an extra pair....

  2. you seem to be a voracious reader from the close ups, you cite.
