Monday, May 16, 2011

I wonder why I wonder...

How the mind strays and heart hopes!
How a little event can drift two affectionate pals’ miles away or draw strangers close!
How those four cells (called heart later) start suddenly thudding in fetus on 22nd day of pregnancy!
How some bitchy, ugly, dullard man/woman are held dear by their partners till the end!
How some people speak something and mean something else, think something and do something else, plan something and dream something else – very jubilantly!
How easily some people let the rarely found precious friends go away!
How the so very aged body feels like playing again!
How wedlock with a baby in it breaks!
How little we know about everything no matter how much we read and learn!
How mind sees only what it knows!
How we get the ideas and thoughts!
How did I become me !
How, Despite I know it is a bad cruel world, I can’t accept it and keep on wondering!
How our strong deep beliefs are changed after certain experiences!
How few things which appears so simple are impossible to explain!
How I wonder why I wonder!

Close up:
"A dog looks at you and thinks " You feed me, care for me, give me shelter. you must be god" and a cat thinks "You feed me, care for me, give me shelter, I must be god."
~Somebody on net.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reading of the week.

How long does it take to reach the state of perfection in meditation? Theoretically speaking, the time involved is not long and is measurable.
As explained earlier, the traditions of Yoga and Vedanta maintain that if the mind can be made to flow uninterruptedly toward the same object for twelve seconds, that will make one unit of concentration.
If the mind can continue in that concentration for twelve times twelve seconds (or two minutes and twenty-four seconds), that will be considered one unit of meditation.
If the mind can continue in that meditation for twelve times two minutes and twenty-four seconds (or twenty-eight minutes and forty-eight seconds), that will be the first stage of samadhi.
If this samadhi can be maintained for twelve times that period (five hours, forty-five minutes, and thirty-six seconds), it will lead to the highest absorption of nirvikalpa samadhi.
But in practical terms, the situation is different for each individual aspirant.

Close Up :
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies".
~Shaw Shank Redemption.