Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Redefine - Research - Rebuild – 2009
Everything is good, beautiful, and clear. There are no worries, problems, or fears. People are good (From distance), Situations are supportive (if in my control) and thoughts (if chosen) are gracious. Whether I believe it or not only positive, happier and nicer things are awaiting in the coming year, indeed.
I am responsible for all my happiness and sorrow.
I will not allow anybody to show his or her madness at my life. If not external but inner world of my being is in my control. I will try to be at utmost peace and integrity at any give time.
I will gladly tolerate the fools (In my opinion) and will not criticize them or get irked.
I will laugh more often, crack funnier-cleverer jokes and will not look worried.
I already know I am way too mature and wise than last year :-D and look good too.
I will think between thoughts, read between lines and feel between feelings.
I will work smarter.
I will find three things that I can do to make myself irreplaceable.
I will find ways to get along better with my boss and colleagues.
I will evaluate my personal contribution to this organization.
I will develop four goals to help me grow and develop as a more achievement-oriented employee.
I will try to improve my relationship with at least one person with whom I do not get along.
I will join at least one company-wide task force or committee.
Entertainment, adventure, and travel:
Read at least 5 books and watch 10 movies.
I will complete 4 drawings. If time allows get the professional help with drawing to improve upon.
Visit the Archery academy to spend a day.
I will spend 2 days with paragliding and parasailing.
First half of the year -Kerala and Second, half of 2009 I want to go to Italy.
Once a week I will meet my friends.
I will show open – loud – clear to my family that I love them most on the earth on each opportunity.
I will drive responsibly. :)
Go to old age home twice this year.
I will plant at least 6 trees.
I will save the 65% of my earnings.
I will not do any emotional shopping and clear all the clutter from cupboards.
Shop in April and October (In prescribed limits).
Health & Fitness:
I will be running 10 Km at this year-end & should be able to do 3 sets of 30 reps of strength training.
I will take 10 days breaks after every 2 months and will not over do anything.
I will develop the stamina to swim the full length at the pool.
I will continue the yoga class and the mediation as it is going great now.
Maintain this weight and periodically clean my body (and heart and mind) from toxins if any.
Most importantly…I will allow myself to break all the rules, to be lazy, to be untidy and unintelligent sometimes :-)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wonderments of 2008.
Is there any other side of the sky?
What exactly is being ‘practical’?
Is being ‘practical’ and ‘hypocrite’ are same?
Where do the dreams come from? Can we control the source and size of the dreams? If yes, How?
How to understand, why don’t we understand sometimes?
Why people use different measures for themselves and for others?
Does the long arc of moral universe, always bends towards justice?
Was there any truth and untruth before the earth came into existence?
Why do we educate our children? To think Clear & To see the Right? Or To flaunt the lofty degrees And earn big bucks?
Some trivial queries too:
If not tied…How can we prevent string from entangling?
What is the difference between technique and style?
Close up:
Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tips to get married - 100% guaranteed (Ofcourse for girls)
It's a wedding season...Girls don't delay.
-Do not be taller then 5’ 3” (if you are not planning for a Nigerian guy)
-Do not speak about what exactly you like, what exactly you think.
Say you like music and cooking. That’s it.
Think what you are asked to.
-Caveat: Don’t speak you like little deltoids on your shoulder when you wear sleeveless. Guys like Hema Malini and not Shilpa Shetty… hee hee
-Listen to the guy carefully and match your opinion on anything or everything.
-A big NO-NO to swimming, it turns skin dark. Guys generally don’t go for the dark girl.
-If at all you are reading, Read Mills & Boons or Sidney Sheldon. You might prove your self boring & ridiculous if you say you read ‘Bhagavad-Gita’ or ‘Ghalib’.
- Pretend you can’t find the roads, and can’t handle electronics gadgets.
Guys like it if you ask them the map and how to use the handy cam.
-Never ever, reject the person in wildest of your dreams especially when he has said ‘yes’, with or without understanding you.
-Weigh more then 60 Kg. Irrespective of your height.
-Prepare for your favorite hero - heroine than your favorite car :-)... (He might not afford it.)
-Follow the latest fashion trends…whether you are akin or not. Nowadays many boys like fashionable girls more then the normal ones…
-Keep mum and just smile when all are talking, cracking jokes around you, quite girls are more likable.
-Despite of the person’s inability to understand your personality and your need (Just to assert your self-respect) to be productive and earning, Say that you are a family oriented person and would sacrifice ANYTHING to meet his family’s demand to serve them.
-As for a girl, she can agree with a person for marriage if,
1) He belongs to same cast and most importantly sub-cast.
2) He is not jobless.
3) He is not handicap.
4) And if HE HAS NO objection….girls are good to go….
Don’t bother where you know the person or thought about the up coming reality of live-in life together, Ditch the genuine decent feeling of “wanna get married to him”!
-Shut up and get out of the marriage game once you have crossed the age 30 for whatsoever reason.
Be Practical yar!
Friday, December 5, 2008
When Training Backfires: Hard Work that is Too Hard.

Road running is stopped.
Back hurts… Need to see the physiotherapist? NO.
The corner, Right knee …Pains. Thanks to Asics for safe ankles, probably.
Understand the importance of a breather…Howdoesitfeeltoreadthiswithoutanybreak?
Tough to interpret? Huh? No space in between…
Now read these lines with space, “It’s good to have a break in anything … be it a reading, writing, gym, work, and relationships, shopping, praying, playing, loving ...Or fighting”
Easy? Yeah?
No more grueling workouts for 10 days!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mumbai attacks -II
We great Indians, nothing can shake us. We will ignore these 200-500 citizens killing attacks every month. We will catch up again; we don’t mind these bouts of terrors because we believe in peace. We are so courageous and we are not affected by your brutal act, we keep smiling after loosing hundreds of innocent citizens every month …we are ‘Incredible India’ you see.
Because we are 1 billion in number you know…hey, dear Mr. Slayer …you can ofcourse kill some of us … we will again double in number, How nice we are….and one last thing look at the heights of our tolerance, we don’t over react like America and UK. I am really not bloody interested in sending any messages to terrorists...saying, see I am still alive or lighting the candles. That 2-year-old Israeli child doesn’t go out of my mind…When I see people standing with a board indicating “I am alive”… That is selfish…Add this to slogan, “You can try killing me next time…if not me you can surely manage to kill few others at least. Moreover, the mighty impervious Indian spirit goes on with innocent dead bodies on its shoulder”… What an amazing crap…
Its not about gun, bullets, militants, death tolls, it’s about self-respect. I don’t spare my dignity for morons to play with. How can anybody can barge into my house and just kill my people at their will?
I am neither interested in achieving any bravery medals, actually none of us, nor showing off my opulence to attract any belligerents. I just want to roar aloud and clear, No one dare to get into my house without my permission for whatever reason. Ever.
You know what?
All my anger will settle in with time…and some more terror attack and we will get depressed. Then some more attacks and we will get numb…and then we are nowhere to be attacked.
Life goes on Baby.
(Dear God! make me wrong please)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Up in the sky.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How does it feel to think?
What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these brave Jawans. The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
An ace shooter shoots and gets gold medal, govt gives 1cr, another shooter dies while shooting terrorist, govt gives 5 lakh? WHO DESERVES MORE? Huh.. This is our India....
-An email forward.
Friday, November 28, 2008
No title...
In Mumbai, Violent operation is going on between the military and militants, down the same street, there is a traffic jam, auto is asking for the passenger, A lady is buying at shop, and the other routine road stuff…so casual!If this had happened in Bangalore people would have remained silent, locked in the house. And analyzed the situation intellectually.If it was Kolkata, citizens would have overtaken the army.If it was Surat, city would have definitely a shut down, but people would have gathered around on the street to crack jokes on the latest happenings. Like how it was during Plague.I do not how the Chennai and Delhi had reacted in such situation!
At the lunch group:
R: what are we doing against all these? Nothing…
S: I will do, I can be a suicide bomber call the terrorist for iftar party and finish them…..I will..
M: Ohhh…you girls stop this please, and you make the terrorist join your gym...fine?
L a u g h t e r.
We all have developed over terrorized joke to go on with a life on gunpoint and grenade.
Anything named Taj becomes monument I think….
sad sad sad day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Being Happy.
Let me hold my mind for a moment…
I am happy with those who has a smile with the dimple, I am happy with the children who drove the paper boats, I am happy with those who need less, I am happy with those who are humming the beautiful song, I am happy with those who join their hands to pray, I am happy with those who can find the pen when they need, I am happy with those who are not grousing, I am happy with those who are as free as bird in the sky, I am happy with those who climb the mountains and run miles, I am happy with the wives who receive flowers from their husbands, I am happy with those who still write letters to their friends, I am happy with the grandma who shows her great grand children’s photos to her friend, I am happy with the crowed who jubilantly watch the cricket match, I am happy with all those executives who don’t bring their wok home, I am happy with those who can wait patiently, I am happy with that doctor who understands the sick man is human too, I am happy with those who wear the wedding rings, I am happy with that 13 years old boy who laughs mischievously with his friends, I am happy with those who study hard for the exams, I am happy with those who are satisfied in their loneliness, I am happy with those who can listen with their utmost attention, I am happy with those who come to our life and then depart, I am happy with the playful dolphins….Let them all be happy…Always.
I am happy with those who are blessed with the joy, let them enjoy their happiness and let my joy be grown with theirs…
Close up-
“Mujko apne pass bula kar,tu bhi apne sath raha kar”
(Let me come near and you too stay with yourself ...)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
* - + Numeric November + - *
Father is planting Sugarcane (Co. 86002) in 19 acres, by making each piece of 9”, to be grown into a 7 feet long stick … after 13 months.
6 Issues assigned, 3 critical and 3 major, to be completed in 30 days.
Mother has gone back to her home…now my Books, a Clock, and I left with NUMBERS to calculate how much yet to go…in Book in Clock and in Me…
Car should go to the service, with the complain, “It’s not even giving the 18 Km/Li”…
At Gym… just weights… 3 sets of 15 repetitions. No cardio workouts… To increase my weight by 3 kilos :-)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hodja meets death.
"Death?" said Nasruddin. "But I'm not even particularly old! And I have so much to do. Are you sure you aren't mistaking me for someone else?"
"I only kill people who are not yet ready to die," said Death.
"I think you're wrong," replied the Hoja. "Let's make a bet."
"A bet? Perhaps. But what shall the stakes be?"
"My life against a hundred pieces of silver."
"Done," said Death, a bag of silver instantly appearing in his hand. "What a stupid bet you made. After all, what's to stop me from just killing you now, and thus winning automatically?"
"Because I knew you were going to kill me," said Nasruddin, "that's why I made the bet."
"Hmmm . . ." mused Death. "I see. But . . . but, didn't you also know, then, that I would not be able to kill you, because of the terms of our agreement?"
"Not at all," said Nasruddin, and continued down the road, clutching the bag of money :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
To my friends…
Life parted few of them…but fortunately I have not lost them yet.
Few weeks back a friend called up from abroad. Last week another friend came down to my home town, especially to meet me and to catch up on the life passed by. In my college we fought once…but our friendship still rocks. Well, don’t confuse friends with colleagues, in my workplace, this new friend is cute & much younger than me…we drove long distance and after disappointment of sold out movie, recovered all with tons of ice creams. The friend on the nook of the street…we spent some of the best time together…I dressed her up in her wedding… She helped me shifting the house. Before I wondered how you can have a joke in English…till we laughed like crazy together.
Few week-ends gets over without my friend knocking the door or ringing my phone.
A relation beyond any cast, creed, region, language, looks, Age, gender, culture, lifestyle and social status….A relation where you don’t have to work on whom to like, how much and when.
This is a relation we choose on our own. We are not born with it and we are not confined in it. There is no commitment, but innocent willingness to be with him/her. They are always there whether you are in technical distress or emotional conflict or of any other non-practical reasons. Among friends, righteousness and trust are the rule. I don’t have too many but I have the few steadiest friends.
Of course there are technical theories of friendships which bring people close like Similarity: How much we have in common with them (‘birds of a feather’). Similar friends provide social validation for our beliefs, characteristics, etc. In practice, opposites seldom attract. Proximity: The leads us to like most people we see often. Reciprocity: We like people who like us and dislike those who dislike us. Beauty: Physical attraction counts, although how it is defined varies around the world. Competence: We like people who are competent (but they should not be too perfect).
There will also be stages of friendships… 1. We play safe with small talk and simple, harmless clichés like ‘Life’s like that’, following standards of social desirability and norms of appropriateness. 2. We now start to reveal ourselves, expressing personal attitudes about moderate topics such as government and education. 3. Now we start to talk about private and personal matters. 4. The relationship now reaches a plateau in which personal things are shared and each can predict the emotional reactions of the other person. And finally 5. When the relationship starts to break down and costs exceed benefits, then there is a withdrawal of disclosure which leads to termination of the relationship… :-)
May be I have found all my friends on the ground of similarity and I have reached no.5 in second paragraph too. Whatever, for everything there is some Chemistry!!
A big thanks to all my friends…
Close up:
"How, O how could I stay silent, how, O how could I keep quiet?My friend whom I love has turned to clay:Enkidu my friend whom I love has turned to clay.Am I not like him? Must I lie down too, never to rise again?"
Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet X, column V.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sufism-swimming underwater
Being weightless on the water surface & being mystified by the Sufi music. Swimming underwater and & reveling the age old theology. The summersaults & the stories of the Nasuridin Hodjha….seem to be paired up. :-D
Sufism is neither a religion nor a cult nor a sect, nor is it only from the East or from the West. Sufism is wisdom, an open door to Truth; the wise feel sympathy towards all beliefs, while at the same time avoiding speculation upon abstract concepts. As if all mammals can swim without any artificial assistance. Just by instinct. The word Sufi, according to Greek and Arabic etymologies, means 'wisdom' for the one and 'purity' for the other. In reality, Sufism is the essence of all religious ideals coming from Islam, Greek philosophy, Hinduism and the Zorashtrian, and has even been appropriated during different periods of history by large cultural and religious streams, without ever losing its own universal identity.
One has to encourage the rejection of wealth and class distinctions, Base themselves on the simpler lives and model the poor wandering are designations of the Sufism. The spiritual maturation…how shall I explain it…It’s like "Speech is born out of longing, true description from the real taste.
The one, who tastes, knows; the one who explains, lies.
How can you describe the true form of something
In whose presence you are blotted out? And in whose being you still exist?
And who lives as a sign for your journey?"
Read Rumi and Kabir.
You give up every thing you ever had in order to possess everything again you want to. You blank out to nil and restart all over again in search of all you wanted… Hmm…I would like to be Sufi monk then…to decide what is my freedom for me…
Close up:
Nasrudin appeared at court wearing a magnificent turban and asking for money for charity. 'You come here asking for money, yet you are wearing an extremely expensive turban on your head. How much did that extraordinary thing cost?' asked the sultan.
'Five hundred gold coins,' replied the wise Sufi.The minister muttered: 'That's impossible. No turban could cost such a fortune.'Nasrudin insisted: ‘I did not come here only to beg, I also came to do business. I paid all that money for the turban because I knew that, in the entire world, only a sultan would be capable of buying it for six hundred gold coins, so that I could give the surplus to the poor.'The sultan was flattered and paid what Nasrudin asked.
On the way out, the wise man said to the minister: ‘you may know the value of a turban, but I know how far a man's vanity can take him.'
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A visit to an old age home.
Then she walked me through the statistics: Total senior citizens: 93, sponsored: 65- non sponsored: 28, Staff (Medically trained): 32 (23- female & 9-males), there was one chief nurse. Staff is paid average 2000/- per month. If you wanna sponsor a uncle or aunty for one month it costs 3000/-. Once in 45 days all the old uncles and aunties are taken out to visit the city. Every month they celebrate B’days of 6 uncles/aunties.
Then….the chief nurse took us to the rooms …well maintained, big, lighted and clean. First Uncle whom I met was 103 yrs old and his children dropped him here when he did not die at the end of 99th years….Idiots :( he was continuously speaking ‘Narayan-Narayan’. My mischievous mind thought he must be having lot of stories ….well and another aunty she was fat and fair, as soon as she show the nurse, she swiftly got up from the chair and childishly veiled her to come near…and she opened the cupboard. We were surprised what is she up to?? Ohh…That Aunty wanted to give some eatable to her favorite care taker. We all laughed and said Hi to another Lady…Oh my god!!! She is so beautiful. Age old stunner in stiff white spotless sari. What a brutality to leave such charming mother at home?? All alone? She was from Chennai and she smiled at my mother…and they were talking in minute. I was observing her room. She had all the fancy amenities on her own apart from some one to talk to. She asked my mother, “Are you coming to home?” my mother said NO. Confidently. May be She thought if that so my mother can be her company. Another old woman was very old, weak and completely bed ridden. She was a sponsored resident and her son used to come to see her daily….and the list goes on.
I departed after 2 hours… I think all the children who don’t take care of parents should be punished by govt.
I think they all would have felt good. I think I am also feeling good :-) I think I will go there again…
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
And here I go again.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Faster Higher Stronger
I go speechless over their performance, what a razor sharp accuracy and mind-blowing speed, unassailable strength….simply great. And the medal tally … We are more then a billion and just 1 medal. Look at Finland, France, and Netherlands….Hmmm…again no point in just talking.
Nothing else teaches about life like sports....
Ever since I have touched 5Km I am bit confident to go on road & in groups. I have acquired much of the information on food, work outs and gears (cloths-shoes) which enhance the running and keep on sharing that with my gym instructor… :-)
I Run for :To hear the heavy breathing, and feel the thumping heart be very bold. To be aggressive and gamble. To clear my mind and humble myself.
And one most important thing running taught me: From all your getting; GET THE UNDERSTANDING.
So this was a little note on one of my passion and its first public participation during the great olympics.
Close up:
“Games require skill. Running requires endurance, character, pride, physical strength, and mental toughness. Running is a test, not a game. A test of faith, belief, will, and trusts in ones self. So hardcore that it needs a category all to itself to define the pain. When game players criticize, it’s because they aren’t willing to understand, not because they’re stronger. Running is more than a sport; it’s a lifestyle. If you have to ask us why we run, you’ll never understand, so just accept." – Jessica Propst
Sunday, August 3, 2008
It did impress much.

Well apart from that few other things gave me the goose pimples are …
Burt Munro- At sprightly age of 68.
“If you don't follow your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable”
“If you don't go when you want to go, when you do go, you'll find you've gone.”
“Invercargill, I-N-V-E-R-C-A-R-G-I-L-L. Sometimes I spell it with one 'L' to save ink.” :-)
TOM (10 yr old): “Aren't you scared you'll kill yourself if you crash?”

Fran: [to a staring crowd] what are you looking at? Dirty old men need love too!
To know more here is the one:
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Stories Stories Stories
Morning over the tea my mother told me about the story of the ‘Gaja-Graha’, Gaja is elephant, graha means crocodile, Gajendra was once sporting in the waters of a lake when a huge crocodile came along and caught hold of one of his legs and started pulling him down into the water.Gaja struggled till he lost his power. He was slowly becoming weaker, and the crocodile was becoming stronger… he could not save himself in this struggle. It was at this time that he called out to the Lord! Please come along and save me. It is said that even as he uttered the word Govinda, Lord appeared on his vehicle, Garuda. He killed the crocodile with his çaìkha and chakra, and saved Gajendra. At last she said….As long as we think that we are strong enough, we keep on fighting or struggling in our life. When we find that we are indeed helpless, we seek the help of the Lord.
Late in the evening I was about to leave and over the phone my friend was telling me the story what happened over the day and we were catching upon stuff.
After 2-3 days I sat with a book which had a lavish narration of stories from Greek mythology: “The giant Argus had 100 eyes. Someone’s children are served up at a dinner feast. Andromeda was rescued by Pursues, married him, produced 6 children and was transformed into a constellation. The story of a hunter whose wife thinks he is having an affair with the breeze and winds up shot by her husband's javelin.”
Saturday couple of friend’s are coming down ….again stories & more stories….to know, to inform, to laugh, to cry, to learn, to love and to hate and to criticize, stories of terror and sympathy, stories to construct and to destroy….to live and to die. Stories of the village and stories of the nation. Stories of raise and the fall…To sleep and to awake. Managers have their stories and the developers have their own…
Story becomes history and the history becomes story ….Little fact & little fiction.
I inherited the stories and pass some more stories to my descendants…
A day will come where I myself will become a story…
Monday, July 28, 2008
Little buzz of the week gone by:
- Article on: Why we love men.
- A shop kipper jumped out of his store to release the traffic deadlock at Maruthinagar- Madiwada. He left the store with another man and took the control over the chock-a-block to ease it up on the road. Salute to that unknown chap.
- An hour long horse riding after quite a while.
- Found about this on net:
- Music: loved this song ‘Aaoge jab tum saajna, Aangana phool khilenge (Jab we met) by Rahet Fateh Ali Khan’ ….I heard it about 50 times :-)
- With such an eager expressions on their face, I saw a mother and grand mother teaching Bhajans to young girl.
- Movies: Entrapment, Signs, How to loose a guy in 10 days.
- Morning on the way to temple I noticed a Papa teaching scooter to young boy. Papa was little bent over to match the young ones height.
- Fashion and style: Colored my growing hair…
- Books: Couple of pages in Reader’s digest and Prevention.
- Work : All the concerns raised in the review are addressed. Still busy.
- Exercise: Just one day…bad bad bad.
- Depression of the week: Bomb blasts at Bangalore & Ahmadabad and the deaths of the innocent people. I have decided to not to talk the tall unless I actually go and do something. We all just talk; it’s free, as simple as complimenting girl's good looks... I am also a part of this hypocrite world.
- The excitement of the week: We were in the auto and an old beggar man, extended his hand for something; I had an Umbrella…..and Wooolaaah!!!! Now he will never have to get wet again. Thanks God (If you exist) for making me able to relief him in the rain.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I don't know.
well, Honestly, I don’t know!!!
Close up:
No hope is freedom. -Chuck Palahniuk
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Work Addcition Syndrome.
It has been 6 months that I am really working so hard. And I am liking it.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Away from retail therapy.
No dresses, No jeans, No Shoes, No Jewellery, No sports wear or shoes, Nothing for house...absolutely nothing with ANY of the reason....Bravo Swati. Two more months to go.
May be I can try this out every year. Hmmm.... interesting..let's see.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I thought….
This practical way always works but I don’t get that kick. When I am living my dreams I feel the sense of living. There is a fear, there is a doubt, and there is a motivation, attempt, failure, endeavor, and a victory. Isn’t it fun? Everything I will get will be pure 100%. If my dreams are disaster I don’t have any one to blame at least. I am responsible for my own failure. If nothing works, I am a refined person. I am rhythmic now.
When I am dying I have the hard earned lessons to give it to the young ones.
And absolutely never understood this freaking being practical ….
By chance its working I am fine (still not so mature though) but if not…I will get the superficial happiness (In others word). I will cheat my own self and others too. Everything is fake. I myself don’t know who I am and what I want.
My self respect is at stake, where I believe the others then my own gut.I just jump in the well as others did; I keep myself from exploring new oceans.In case if I realize I am not happy, I die with the regret…at least I could have listened to myself.
Close up:
"The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.” - Chuck Palahniuk
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
upshots of the urban life.
It took around one hour in the morning to search for the Banyan tree. And it was on the main road with a house right opposite to it. My mother took out all the Pooja stuff as we stopped by the tree near that house.
And a fellow appeared from that house who saw my mother starting the Pooja. He looked about in his fifties. Rudely he asked me, "what are we doing there?" With my introduction I recited him the concept and the reason. He was reluctant to any of the explation I provided, Just by saying that it's not a Banyan tree and we should get out of that place. I was getting angry at him for refusing the fact that it was a Banyan tree. My mother was still engaged in taking the pooja ahead quickly. I was extending the arguments for some time so that my mother can finish her worshiping. Now another chap came out of that house, he was in his thirties. He was angry young man...who just did not listen to me at all. He just yelled at us furiously. My mother was scared and I was angry at them for not even trying to understand me. I just wanted them to allow the Pooja peacefully for my mother's satisfaction.
My mother asked me to leave that debate since she was done with her Pooja hastily. As we left that spot my mother turned back and to her shock that young man threw all the material she had kept. He tore the thread my mother had rotated around, for my father's long life. He kicked out the lamp we had offered there. She was terribly upset and perturbed. She cursed that man for disrespecting the God and her devotions. I asked her that we did our best and we can't do anything about what you saw. Anyway we did Pooja properly... Don't worry and forget that unpleasing sight.
On the way to office I was getting the sense of what a big city and the urban life can do to a originaly compassionate human nature. I was not blaming them but just thinking over their fear of sorcery against them. Had I been in their place, would I have done the same? How sympathizing and co-operative people are in small village? Where are we going? We are loosing out the basic prerequisites of being a part of same society. Well, God (If you are there) forgive them because its not them....Atleast those people would have tried to understand me or to try to believe me that I dont look like or talk like a harmful person....
In my absense, later my mother went to Banshakri temple with my neighbour aunty and did her Pooja all over again.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Maxican magician.
-Intention is the important thing.Intention is transparent.
-Nothing is easy.
-Irritation is unnecessary.
-The end is an ally.
-The present is unique.
-It is always the last battle.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Black and White...
Few things are just black and can not be little pregnant, you can not be little passionate or fall in love little bit.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Nose out.
Its al most 10 days reaching back home. A kind of familiar and happy smell, a smell of ‘my own’ and the happy feeling of smelling all recognizable smells around.
As soon as I landed at Mumbai, took a deep breath …Wow. There was a construction work going on at Mumbai Airport. The smell of the wet cement, smell of the dust, summery smell of the midnight in the March, smell of the Samosa and tea. As I reached Bangalore I discerned the smell of the old fallen wet with dew Gulmohar flowers, on the road, the fragrance of the morning in the spring, smell of the boiling Sāmbhar in the neighbor’s house.
I have always felt the India is the territory of the millions of the odors. Or may be it’s me. Who just uses the big nose and justify the authentication of everything by smell. But I have smelled the sunlight, the smell of the exams and the smell of the currency (Rs. smell better then $$ or €€), smell of particular place.
As far as my knowledge is concerned there are around 1 lac different smells in this world. Your eyes might skip the view, or ears might edit the talk but this nose keeps on sensing inadvertently 24*7. You don’t have to make an effort to smell. Scientists in US believe 1% of the population suffers from anosmia (Absence of the sense of smell). In Sanskrit there is a word called ‘Vasna’ may be ‘Vas’ (odor) is the origin of that word.
Imagine how deeply the hunger and the taste are related with smell of the food!! The aroma of the cinnamon, curry leaves, cooked clove in the rice, Mangoes, golden brown fried onions, flavor of the Vanilla in the Kheer, smell of the Cumin seeds, the smell of the boiling ghee while preparing sweets, the Rose milkshake…OK now take away all the fragrances from the above list … Zilch.
Doggie recognizes the owner by smell. Infant recognizes mother with the smell of her milk. How do you think all the ants turn up? Many living thing on the earth express the love by smelling.
It seems the odor enters into nose through breath, it vibrates the ‘epithelium’ cells within, and there are receptors which draw in the different smells. And pass on this information to brain. The varieties of these receptors have not been recognized so far. (I might be wrong here)
Still there are questions like mouse, cow and human all have the same process of smelling? An animal and the human recognize a smell in the same way? Fish within the water and the flying bird have the same olfaction?
Well on the light note, Some fun facts about smell:
- Your nose can smell directionally, telling you where an odor originates.
- A woman’s sense of smell is keener than a man’s.
- Your sense of smell is least acute in the morning; our ability to perceive odors increases as the day wears on.
- People recall smells with a 65% accuracy after a year, while the visual recall of photos sinks to about 50% after only three months.
- The average human being is able to recognize approximately 10,000 different odors.
Close up:
"Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it" - Valdimir Nabokov
Monday, March 24, 2008
As for you.
The chance that your mother was ovulating that day: about 2 in 28.
The chance that your father was going to get lucky that night: 1 in 10.
The chance that they would meet in a world of 6.7 billion people: 1 in 3 million.
The chance that in the entire history of all Homo sapiens they would be born in the same timeframe to permit childbirth: 1 in 4 billion.
The chance that Homo sapiens would evolve from primordial gas: 1 in 45 trillion.
The chance that earth would permit life altogether in a universe of uninhabitable planets: 1 in 750 quadrillion.
In the end, you might have had a 1 in 500 trillion gazillion chance of being born. Congratulations. Good show. Bravo.
The chance of you now having a resplendent life is singularly up to you.
-Bill Bryson (Reading of the week)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The love season.
Hmmm…Love. Wide range from something that gives a little pleasure to something one would die for.
I think, it’s a work, something which takes efforts. Like when I love someone I actually have to ‘DO’ something. It’s a course of an action, list of steps taken in terms of fulfillment of my emotional, intellectual, social requirement. Huh…too technical…I can’t say I love my job without going to office. When you want something for free it’s not love. Love is a part of us; like your own hands or your asthma, you can’t get rid of it. You can’t substitute love. It’s not a commodity in the shop, where you can think of buying at better price, color, offer or stuff with 5 yrs more warranty. It’s an obsession. It makes you helpless, it’s above any ‘ifs and buts’. No reason, no condition. Its simple, it’s strong. May be, that’s why animal can love better then humans…like how dog runs towards you, like how horse walks besides you… we are too smart to love.
In young days we asked our mother ‘Ma whom you love most among we three?’ she showed her open palm and asked us back ‘Which finger I cut and it wont bleed, I love you all equally’, Now 22 yrs later when my brother wanted his love of the life and my mother said ‘choose either me or that girl’. My brother showed her the same set of fingers ‘which finger I will cut and it wont bleed, I want both of you, she is also a part of me like you mother’. He had 6 months of continuous labor to bring his wife home. This is the example I saw in my life, and he told my mother unless you agree I wont marry her.
Every time someone asks me ‘have fallen in love?’ I reply ‘I am always in love, love is like time for me and the person is like season, they come and go but I am always happy’. Keeping me happy in adversity is my job, and I do love myself too. I can’t pain myself for the season like person who care a damn for me!! You can not love unless you are loving, Loving your self. The one and only one love is self-love. You tend to like the person with whom you can relate. You feel satisfied after having the other person in your life. It’s like another self or the extended self. That’s what is meant by ‘being one’ may be!! The other person is the manifestation of self; indirectly you want your own self.
Love like any other assignment, it consumes you, which makes you feel ‘on the go’, motivated. May be that’s why successful affair leaves you contented and you remain stable. Or the other way around people are reluctant to go through it in case of failure. They feel worked up.
Well it’s never ending subject, but for me Love is not the magically generated spontaneous sensation. It’s like colors in the Holi. You explicitly decide to get dyed into, and later proudly display the tinged. The beautiful mixture of the differences, vivid and vibrant and you can’t separate these colors from the skin after many days of the festival. Happy Holi guys…
Close up:
Inexpressible is the story of Love,It cannot be revealed by words.Like the dumb eating sweet-meat,Only smiles, the sweetness he cannot tell. - Kabir
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Physically fitta.
I used to tell my friend how anybody can grow ‘THIS’ fat!! From last 12 years exercise has been part of my routine. I can tell you instantly what activity/food would burn/provide you how much of calorie. For me personally workouts are time when I am myself, enjoy the great music and feel my thumping heart at the rate of 162 BPM. I run for about 3.2 KM (planning for 5K :-) ) at the speed of 9 KM/Hr and the other weights and floor stuff. It’s just out-and-out fun for me. I love buying cool mp3, gym wear, latest cardio meter watches or comforting running shoes….I even have worked out at 12 in the night and I really don’t know how the ‘physically fit’ part is determined in personality.
I admit that I failed to change my few friend’s lifestyle after realizing…if it continues this way it’s gonna be miserable. They will come up with nonsense proverb ‘With food or without food, anyway you would die, why not with food’. Hey!! But why not die happily, choose your death, why you have to suffer or die helplessly …the worse part is you can’t die, so easily. some time I even feel pity of seeing two small feet carry the hundreds of kegs mountain…and get angry too when they complain bloody age and arthritis…As usual…Because I feel so concerned…
Anybody can enjoy all the food anytime with flaunting physique if they really see for them selves how great it is to pay little attention towards their habits. It’s really nice where people misunderstand you five years younger then your real age. The lump of flesh including your brains can be beautiful composition of accuracy, agility, stamina and speed. 15 minutes of brisk walk (7 Km/Hr) can elevate your mood or refresh you from built up tension. Physical exertion release «feel good» chemicals in the brain -- that is, endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Endorphins are the reason why soldiers in battle and sportsmen/women in the field don't always feel the pain of injury till later; often they feel just the excitement and euphoria of taking part and, perhaps, winning.
Respect your god given tool man, and do not abuse, Please…
Close up:
Just do it!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

okay I collected those and kept it aside in the surprise continues when I turned back and pull the door to be closed and there was a small note stuck with a message "Jesus loves you, where ever you go, he will find you there"...Okey...typical satiric smile,"yeah, well... you see someone loves me... Jesus, cool !!"
Friday, March 7, 2008
Uniting Generations and it's Teachings.
Baa and Dadaji (grand) filled me stories over millions of subjects. Baa taught me the centuries old poems. She gave me the love for Arjuna and the archery. She lives the example of uneducated lady comes to city to struggle and educate her four children. Dadaji explaind me that to eat is heaven and enjoy the life. He secretly gave us all the forbidden freedom for kids, like drinking the tea by log fire in the cold winter night and talk about robbers. He used to make us cut the wood by saw, clime on the mango trees and jump back into bullock cart before Pappa catches us; he introduces us to the splendor of riding horse.
My mother gave me the example of how important the husband is. She used to carry me and show me the stars just before making ready for the school. Every summer she prepares those my favorite chips without fail and preserves all the ingredient, Papad for the entire year. She ensures there is milk in the house at any point of time. She pasted my exam timetable on the kitchen wall. She asks me what is software engineering.
And my father, the most favorite person in family. He constructed my personality, coached me for the life in any circumstances. He shared my feeling when I was 15 yrs and I had the first crush. He told me there is a no other option of hard work. He scolded me for my mistakes & motivated me in my failures. Every time I get scared I want to go to him and he will say ‘yaa hom karine pado fateh che aage’ a line from Narmad’s Gujrati poem. i.e, ‘Make a fearless yell inside and jump in there is just a victory ahead’. My father taught me about Samrat Ashok with the message at last ‘Budham Sharnam Gachhami’.
Coming to the third generation, my time, my brother and sister or my friends. Just plain love and care and loads of laughter. My darling sister used to finish her exams and come to Bangalore to support me during my exams. She would fill the thermos with tea before sleeping if I have the night out studying. She has amazing sense of humor where we shared the tons of amusement over every silly matter. And my brother is like small dad. Well, I fought with him more then anybody because we are always equal. He used to buy me the Hero pens which I still like from the shop next to his school. He taught me to ride the bicycle and the Yamaha Rx100 and the car too. He used to solve my trigonometry doubts in 11th-12th. Now we talk about agriculture and new business development. My Friends who accepted me for the way I am, doubtlessly. They loved me for my being, shared all my laughter and tears and never left me alone. They trusted me, wanted me without any practical worldly reason.
And the story comes to my five months old niece. She awakened the child in me again. I sing all the songs to her, which I learnt from my mother and granny. And the other kids in my family or neighborhoods bring out the most mischievous self in me. We play pranks and all stupid games. I am so much rejuvenated after spending an hour with them.
Now being in awe… will I sustain this generations in me. Will I survive the values, the felicity of routine day to day life and the heavy weight idealistic teachings? We all have so much to offer to the world, and to our self. There is so much to retain instead of holding upon needless grieves. Happiness and gratitude is the only choice we have, either we look back or front. Why to clutch the conflicts and let the beautiful simplicity go?
Close up:
At last philosophy of the entire century is common sense of next.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Being sensitive is unconstitutional?
I was like ‘what’? No!! …it’s about being sensitive, about being perceptive, being intuitive, and being creative and imaginative, empathic, intense, about being soulful …
I care a damn …You can’t understand, I don’t expect you to feel that.
Its beautiful, its poetic…it’s so very human.
Living every moment to the core, enjoying all the merriment and infliction at the max. It’s like having amplified years on the earth…with a striking tempo.
I accept that being sensitive is not being weak. And being insensitive is not being strong too. It takes lots of wisdom, which again takes courage to fine line the difference between sensitivity and the other real worldly stuff.
It’s a market everywhere. Emotions, Relations, Friends, life, beauty, guts …Everything can be bought and sold and of course subject to availability, better with discount. Everybody has a remote and the regulator. Okey …let me not deviate.
But have you smelled the sunlight? The bright warm sunlight when you are in the backyard of the village house?
At the age of nine, when you were ill, and your Papa hugged you in the bed while telling you the story of the tiger and the little gal?
You know? Afternoon when you returned from the college and you had the intuition that your mommy is going to ask you about food in your own style …”Maa hum bhukha hun”. Can you imagine how ecstatic it is when the brightness over the face and sparkling eyes talks about your happiness without you uttering a word?
My brother loves the way I laugh, it’s loud and I will clap at the end of my noise expression of joy…and crying is not a big deal too. I openly cry (well not in public of course)…my sister tells, I cry like Donald duck one eye and 5 tears splashing out from all the sides.
And the same way around the softness of your voice says that you are hurt or sad. Did you feel the smile on the corner of your lips, when every little thing reminded your recently lost love? It must be really tough for you to image how enjoyable the solitude is and what is the craving for a friend who gets your jokes right …when you are not sensitive.
And its gonna be even harder when I talk about my need to connect to myself, oceans, forests, deserts, books, poems, family, friend, my pets, and my play, old rejected senior citizens, orphans…and of course the lost ones too.
This is called passion… for me life is ‘deep sea diving’ and I reject to float on the surface with the lifesaving equipments…
Monday, February 18, 2008
I wandered lonely as a cloud ...
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in neverending line
Along the margin of a bay.
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they Outdid
the sparkling waves in glee,
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company;
I gazed andgazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
-William Wordsworth, Reading of the week.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Self respect in relationships
Remember, what you have to offer is a PRIVILEGE that you are in sole control of giving or taking, it is NOT an OPTION that they can exercise on a whim."
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
May be rebooting is not booting actually...
The Favorite Book
Now at this age it remained my favorite book though and what a wonder that it altered it’s meaning to suit my maturity and understanding. Those pictures drawn by John Tenniel were the one of the delirious attraction in young days and now its cryptical text.
Alice grows 10 inches short and 9 ft tall. That bird Dodo, he says at the end of the race everyone wins, and all get the price. A blue Caterpillar, who is sitting arms folded quietly smoking a hookah. Then the mad hatter comes, March hare, and the Cheshire cat keeps grinning from the bush. March hare dips watch into tea, and the queen’s garden has white roses, and those tiger-lily said to Alice we flower can speak provided that someone worth speaking. Queen says keep on running if you want to stand where you are now. Alice meets Tweedledee and Tweedledum further ahead the twin brothers! Queen says her age 101 yrs, 5 months and 1 day and advices her to use the same notions for age when asked. Humpty Dumpty told Alice when I use any word then it means what I want it to mean. King says I wish I had an eye which never sees anything. Queen said ‘kill them before you hang later form the judgment’. King asked mad hatter to take the hat off…and hatter said,’it’s not my hat’.
My research said the word ‘egghead’ has been derived from Humpty Dumpty. It represents intellectuals and it’s an egg shaped, when it broke no one could repair it.
Well…felt intricate and sarcastic this time…but of course amused too.
Close up:
Alice: I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!
March Hare: …Then you should say what you mean.
Alice: I do; at least - at least I mean what I say -- that's the same thing, you know.
Hatter: Not the same thing a bit! Why, you might just as well say that, 'I see what I eat' is the same as 'I eat what I see'!
March Hare: You might just as well say, that "I like what I get" is the same thing as "I get what I like"!
The Dormouse: You might just as well say, that "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I breathe"!
Cheshire cat: I am mad, you are mad …all are mad here.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Last 3 Funny Days ...
:-D.... I narrated the bag and he was starring at me with monkey face.
Thursday evening I got the subway sandwich attack and thought of getting down on the way, at subway…well in US it’s a CMMI 5 process to stop by on the road. And naturally I was dragged back to my stipulated destination. Friend called up and instead of ‘hi’ I said ‘I wanna eat subway veggie delite sandwich with loads of herds and spice’…he was laughing…and said ‘H I’…
Later I waited at front desk to get the pick up/drop by the hotel shuttle to reach nearby subway. This tumbling driver took me to airport and brought me back to hotel instead of my dream destination ‘subway’. He gazed at me with the words ‘would you like to come to Airport again?’ Eeeeahhh…I booked the taxi and that gal at desk asked me ‘the shuttle did not take you?’ I shook my head like monkey indicating ‘NO’.
Then she booked the special round trip taxi costing 20 bucks for me to eat $2’s sandwich. Angel. I ate one and parceled 3, Should be enough to get rid of this sandwich fever.
Okay part II of the story …Saturday I had a plan to go for skiing. I was all set with enough research on the place, sport and the safety for the lady travelling alone. On the way back to apartment, used ATM to withdraw few $$ to make my trip. ATM was not in mood it declined all my trials and refused to give me any money. I was staring at ATM with monkey face :)
Well, I called taxi, to get the ride thinking that other colleagues can land me little money for tomorrow, and the Mexican driver uncle declined the request with the support of not all that bad weather… Jennifer was still there and she dropped me back in her car.
As I reached apartment none of these guys were seen. I kept on calling their rooms to ask for money and of course with a dream of sliding over the snow in my head. I tried till 9.30 PM but no response. I was all alone with my shattered dream of skiing. Furiously I thought of ordering Chicago style deep dish pizza, with loads of cheese. I was on the call to order and realized I can’t even pay for pizza…
Hmmmm :(.... well I ate 2 Parle G and slept in my office wear with MONKEY FACE :D
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My Father taught few "Imbibe ethical principles" :-)
Respect should be commanded not to be demanded.
Knowing the other person is almost impossible. You just can have an opinion (subject to change) based on the experience with that individual, that's it.
While drinking the milk, cat closes her eys and thinks no one is watching her.
Be a fool, If you want to be.You can say I hate it, you can never say it's fake.
Nothing will be solved in a satisfactory manner for all parties.
'Gahna Karmano Gati'. (Deeds are intricate)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Glory that was...
Felt like getting back to my placid temperament...Plulled out the old hindi song's CD from 50's.It was, 'yeh shaam ki tanhaiya, aise mai tera ghum...(Aah 1953)'
Mellowness of dulcet sound drew me through on the island, where the snow seems turquoise soon after the sun sets.And again,I was undecomposed for the week coming ahead.
Nothing to beat old songs!!